Our Story

Family. Two kids and a dad frequently discussed the economic, social and physical challenges we face, the meteoric pace of change, and what our collective future might look like. We inevitably returned to the same two questions - how could kids better prepare for an uncertain future, and how could we help solve problems along the way? Our answers gave life to SeetheWe.


Entrepreneurship. While we can’t see the future, it seems likely that the economy will continue to change dramatically, and many of today's jobs may not exist tomorrow. And, as it becomes increasingly important to be able to create new economic opportunities in the future, we concluded that the kids would be well-served to learn entrepreneurial skills today. So, the kids, with the help of dad and a cousin, decided to launch a small business - a journey to learn how to identify problems, create solutions, invest time and money, take risks, and create jobs and economic opportunities.


Doing Good. And, we wanted to help solve problems while pursuing this “business” education. Most problems seemed too big, too overwhelming, but the kids wisely pointed out that “we can’t do good, if we don’t do something!” So, we started by defining our mission: “to promote positive human connections.” Then, we identified problems to solve that aligned with our mission. Finally, we agreed that, if our business made any money, we’d give a portion back to our community. To learn more about what we’re doing, check out brief summaries of our current campaigns below.

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Campaign Summaries

Look Up! – Our original campaign, Look Up!, was born out of the realization that, on virtually any drive, we see cars swerving across lanes, inexplicably slowing to a crawl, not going on green, running red lights or stop signs, or nearly hitting (or hitting) other cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Inevitably, each driver is focused on a device. We wondered why are drivers engaging in such dangerous, disrespectful, human dignity-stripping behaviors? We learned that our devices and apps are designed to trigger our brain’s pleasure centers, so we constantly seek more pleasure (similar to reactions to sugar, drugs or slot machines), even if that risks angering, threatening or hurting others on the road. The light bulb went on! One small way to help restore meaningful human connection is to educate about this phenomenon and inspire people to choose respect for other humans, over their devices, at least while driving. By displaying a SeetheWe window sticker or magnet on your vehicle, you publicly commit to respecting others (i.e. not being a distracted driver) and you join a “mobile billboard” to politely encourage others to do the same. And, dropping your device in a Pause Pouch before driving will help break the bad habit.


Lift Up! – Just as we were launching our Look Up! campaign, the Covid-19 pandemic swept across the globe, causing unprecedented disruption and significant duress. It became evident just how deeply interconnected our lives are, physically, emotionally and financially, and that getting through this will take “WE”, not “me.” Given our mission of promoting positive human connections, we launched our Lift Up! campaign to (i) create awareness of our profound physical, emotional and financial interdependence, and (ii) provide ways for people to express solidarity with others and spread hope and encouragement. Displaying a SeetheWe sticker, button, mask or t-shirt is like delivering a “perpetual greeting card”, showing your commitment to solidarity with others and spreading hope and encouragement to those who are suffering physically, mentally or financially.